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Welcome to ConneXion HUB

If you are looking for more business…
If you want to get your business found…
If you want to increase your reach…
…then we need to talk!
Call me TODAY on 703.217.8383 | 877.653.4584
Or email Dawn@ConneXionHUB.Biz
CONNEXION HUB helps small businesses significantly INCREASE VISIBILITY, CONNECTIONS, & CLIENTS IN LESS TIME, in the DC Metro area.
So, whatever you are currently doing – plug into this powerful ‘add-on’ opportunity for more!

• Wider/diverse reach
• Leverage my network
• Get found
Meet Dawn Peters
Dawn Peters is the CEO & owner of ConneXion Hub. She is a top executive, an International coach, and personal development veteran, turned entrepreneur, mentor, and ‘Ultimate Connector!’ She is passionate about empowering others to be successful, which she does in her own unique and highly effective way through a ‘multi-touch’ connection, marketing, & promotion platform….
About ConneXion Hub
Whether you’re target market is B to B, or B to C, ConneXion Hub connects, markets, and promotes you to opportunity! ConneXion Hub is a stand-alone, done-for-you, multi-touch…
• CONNECT: Get introductions and referrals to trusted connections…Read More
• MARKET: Be placed in the market in multiple & strategic ways for maximum…Read More
• PROMOTE: Your business will be actively and consistently promoted in…Read More
Why Partner with ConneXion Hub?
Owning and running a business is challenging. How do you juggle it all and grow? What can you do to expand your network and get more clients on a consistent basis without it being so time-consuming? How are you switching-up your marketing …extending your reach and exposure…getting noticed!?…